In this seminar we look at how understanding three important concepts can make Agile at small scale (3-9 teams) readily achievable:
- How to provide teams a way to align instead of having to have them coordinate
- What value streams are and why they are important
- The minimum business increment – how to track requirements and needs when creating enhancements to existing products
- The value stream impedance scorecard – how to tell if a change in your process will be an improvement
After this background, the seminar will review the dozen points of the BLAST approach.
Attendees of this webinar will leave with an understanding of what it takes to do Agile at small scale. Many of the concepts presented will be useful at both teams and even larger scales.
Video File/Presentation File
- Why alignment is more effective than coordination
- How and why to use minimum business increments
- What value streams are and how to use them to improve your workflow
Al Shalloway is the founder and CEO of Success Engineering. Al is a recognized thought leader in the areas of Lean, SAFe, Kanban, Scrum, design patterns, Acceptance Test-Driven Development, Lean-management, value creation networks, Lean product management, and more. He is the creator of the FLEX system, which is the heart of the Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant workshop. He has co-written five books ranging from Design Patterns to Agile at Scale. He holds Masters degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Mathematics from MIT and Emory, respectively. He is an international speaker. He is a former SPC Trainer and contributor to SAFe. His current focus is on providing an effective Agile at scale approach to large organizations, which includes helping internal change agents be self-sufficient in training their teams in a cost-effective manner.
Attendees (87)