Well, there you have it #1 lesson: take care of your family and health. I am sure we are all thinking that is so obvious. But, if you had read my lessons 10-2, you know me enough to understand that this very obvious reason was not so obvious to me in the past decade.
Yes – believe it or not – there were stretches of times when my family and health were not right up at the top. I am totally guilty of missing some family dinners, school events, getting exercise, going for a walk or keeping my regular doctor appointments. I will say it was during one my vacations many years ago that I decided to make some fundamental changes. While my routine is far from ideal, I do go to the gym almost every day, and always there for dinners, and school events. Doctor appointments? Well, I am getting better at that.
The result is that I have a lot more energy than I ever did before. Taking care of my health and spending time with my family has put more things in perspective. My problems at work have become easier to solve – mainly because I give my subconscious a chance to work on them and not dwell on the small things as much as I used to.
As I write this, I am on vacation in Tahoe skiing. Spending time outdoors with the family and reflecting on my last decade has indeed been very insightful and rewarding. It has been a transformative decade for me, with some great lessons learned. I am looking forward to the journey ahead. I hope you will all take some time to be with your families and reflect – and perhaps come up with your own to 10 lists. I would love to hear from you.
When we wake up tomorrow … it will be 1/1/11! (I am totally into numbers and happen to think this is really cool 🙂 What a magical way to begin the New Year and New Decade….All the best to everyone!
Great series of posts, Mala, and excellent advice for everyone! Thank you!
And, we have another fun date this year. 11/11/11.